Published on Thursday 1 June 2023

ERS Car is now LIVE on Acturis

Thursday 1 June 2023 | by Suraj Sachdev, Head of Non-Standard Retail

We’re excited to announce the launch of a new API based Car insurance product for brokers on the Acturis platform which replaces legacy EDI messaging.

ERS Car will provide Acturis’ brokers with access to the latest and most competitive real-time, fully enriched pricing across new business, mid-term adjustments and renewal transactions for their customers via Plug in to ERS, an API messaging system which replaces traditional EDI products. Policy data from the Acturis system will integrate directly into our pricing models and policy management platform provided by ICEInsuretech, part of the Acturis Group.

EDI messaging has been used between software houses and insurers for over 40 years requiring use of 3rd party proprietary EDI networks to transmit policy data. Removal of EDI based messaging is the next step in the execution of our digitalisation strategy and enables direct trading with software houses without the costs and additional data flows via a 3rd party network. Acturis are the first software house to trade via the new technology.

Martin Hall, Active Underwriter shares: “We are delighted to partner with Acturis to make ERS Car available through their platform via Plug in to ERS. Digital integrations have become an important part of ERS’ distribution strategy – for brokers with the capability, Plug in to ERS connects their policy management system directly to our back-end system and pricing models in real-time, providing seamless access to our products. Enabling Plug in to ERS on Acturis’ platform, provides hundreds of brokers with access to our real-time pricing, data enrichment and appetite updates, so unlike traditional software house solutions which can take weeks to receive an update, Acturis brokers can benefit from our latest product updates immediately”.

Theo Duchen Acturis Group Co-CEO commented: “Insurance EDI based messaging is from a different century. We were delighted to work with ERS to support their drive for this innovation and to demonstrate the open architecture of our Acturis broker and ICE Insuretech platforms”.

For more information about ERS Car go to Standard Car | ERS The specialist motor insurer


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