Published on Monday 18 December 2023

Driving success: Wendy Petheram’s journey at ERS

by Wendy Petheram, Head of Claims

In the dynamic world of insurance, where career paths often demand adaptability and expertise, Wendy Petheram’s journey at ERS stands as a testament to the rich career development opportunities the company offers.

Born in York, educated at Aberystwyth University, and currently residing in Neath, Wendy has become an integral part of ERS since joining in October 2018. This article delves into Wendy’s remarkable career trajectory, emphasising the unique growth opportunities that ERS provides and the distinctive culture that sets it apart in the industry.

From legal expert to insurance leader

Before embarking on her journey with ERS, Wendy spent 15 years as a Personal Injury Claims Lawyer, managing a substantial team in Bristol. The desire for a career change led her to consider joining the Police Force as a civilian, but a timely recommendation from a friend at ERS opened a new door. Wendy joined the company as a team leader in the Personal Injury Claims Department, leveraging her extensive legal background to make an immediate impact in the insurance sector.

Career growth within ERS

In 2021, Wendy progressed to the role of ERS Head of Personal Injury Claims, reporting directly to the London Office. Notably, this achievement underscores ERS’s commitment to providing advancement opportunities without necessitating a relocation to London. This approach aligns with our company’s vision to promote talent from our regional office, a strategy we aim to expand further with the right opportunities and candidates.

A unique workplace culture

Wendy attributes her success and job satisfaction to the distinctive culture fostered by ERS. Proximity to senior management, open communication channels, and a commitment to involving employees in decision-making processes create an environment where every team member feels valued. ERS actively seeks input from its staff, acknowledging the importance of those on the front lines as subject matter experts, as Wendy explained:

“ERS stands out as an employer because of its unique commitment to employee involvement. The proximity to senior management ensures that our ideas are not just heard but are integral to shaping the company’s direction.

“What sets ERS apart is its open-door policy to senior management. Regardless of your role, everyone has access to key decision-makers, fostering a culture where every voice, no matter where it comes from, contributes to the company’s success.”

Decentralised decision-making

Wendy highlights ERS’s willingness to decentralise decision-making as a crucial factor in her career progression. Her role as the Head of Personal Injury Claims based in the Swansea regional office exemplifies ERS’s commitment to breaking down geographical barriers. This not only enhances career development opportunities for employees in regional hubs but also contributes to a diverse and inclusive company culture, as she described:

“At ERS, there’s a genuine effort to decentralise decision-making, allowing regional offices like Swansea to thrive. This strategy not only broadens career horizons but also strengthens the collaborative spirit that defines our workplace.”

Investment in employee development

ERS places a strong emphasis on employee development, offering mentoring programmes and online training courses. The company’s commitment to helping individuals expand their knowledge and skill sets, creating a pathway for career advancement is something Wendy values. ERS’s dedication to fostering a learning culture ensures that motivated and committed individuals can chart a successful career trajectory within the organisation. Wendy said:

“One of the most important things about ERS is the continuous focus on employee development. Through mentorship and online courses, the company actively supports individuals in expanding their skill sets, ensuring that commitment and interest are met with tangible career progression.”

Collaborative and welcoming atmosphere

Wendy describes ERS as more than just an employer; it’s a collaborative, friendly, and social workplace where employees feel welcomed and valued. The company’s commitment to open discussions, varied project opportunities, and a relaxed atmosphere contribute to a positive and engaging work environment.

“The collaborative atmosphere at ERS is what makes it such a welcoming workplace. It’s not just about the work; it’s about the people. Open discussions, varied project opportunities, and a relaxed environment contribute to a culture where everyone feels valued and invested in the company.”

Wendy Petheram’s journey at ERS exemplifies the exciting career development opportunities available within the company. We believe our commitment to decentralisation, employee involvement, and continuous learning sets ERS apart. As we continue to expand our regional leadership roles, Wendy’s story serves as an inspiration for individuals seeking a fulfilling and progressive career in the dynamic world of insurance.


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